Construction at Limba Corner - Nongowa Chiefdom

The above pictures taken several weeks apart were of construction of a home in the small bush road village known as Limba Corner. It was here that a small group of people of the Limba ethnic group lived. This village sat on the bush road that went from below our house all the way to the village of Vaama and on to the River Moa. These two photos show typical house construction with "thatched" roofing (really palms from the palm tree) and the "mud-ball" construction of the house walls. Limba Corner was remote, made up mainly of farmers and palm wine dealers. The village sat some 5 or 6 miles from Kenema. These photos were taken in 1969. The greenery in the foreground is cassava leaf. [click on photos to enlarge]
Hi Chad,
Just stopping by to say, “It is a small world”!
A few days ago I stumbled across your blog as I was reading blogs of other Peace Corps Volunteers. I am interested in these blogs because my oldest son leaves Nov 10th for Lesotho (in Southern Africa) where he will be a PCV teacher. I am not sure how I ended up in Sierra Leone and on your blog, but I did. When I saw that you were originally from Brookline and currently lived in Vermont I had to read on! Your last name was familiar to me and when I saw that you were married to “Susan”, something clicked!
My name is Meredith (Rose) and I am a former student of Susan’s! I lived in Norwich (Loveland Road) and graduated from Hanover High in 1980. I remember Susan having a baby either my sophomore or junior year. I also remember her being a great teacher, although I do not think I was a great student!
I went to Wheelock College (did my student teaching at the Pierce School in Brookline) and after graduation, got married, and moved to Perry Street in Brookline. Lived there when son #1 was born (the one going to Lesotho) and have been in Canton, MA since 1987.
I was hesitant to leave you a message, but decided I had to say “hi”. I enjoyed reading your blog and I hope that my son has as memorable experience that you had. I also hope that he does a blog!
I know Susan had MANY students over her years at HHS and would not expect her to remember me, but please give her my best. And, I look forward to your next entry.
Take care,
Thank you for your comments. I will let Susan know what you are up to. I think I knew your parents - was it Betsy and Bob. In fact I believe if I am correct your Dad was a professor of mine (anesthesiology - at Dartmouth Medical School) and in fact did anesthesia for me when I had some knee arthroscopy. Wasn't your Mom from Wisconsin and didn't her family have something to do with the green Bay Packers. Anyway your son's PC duty and Lesotho should be life changing. Yes - I hope he keeps a diary and lets others know his experience. Thanks again for the comments.
Yes, my parents are Bob & Betsy. Actually both my parents are originally from Green Bay (my birthplace as well) and her father's family had many connections with the Packer organization. Although the Patriots are less then 10 miles down the road from me, we are die hard Packer fans!
In 1986 my parents moved from Norwich to Etna and then in 2001 moved to Haverhill. My dad is still working at the hospital, but I don't think he teaches anymore.
We do not get to Norwich/Hanover very often. Haverhill is far enough away that once we get there we usually stay put. But, I have made every HHS '80 reunion (except my 25th) and hope to make the 30th this summer.
If my son sets up a blog I will pass it on to you. My guess is his entries will be more pictorial then written.
We are very excited for him and hope to have the opportunity to go visit in 2011, after son #2 graduates from college!
One week and counting! Yikes!
Take Care,
by the way - yes Susan remembers both you and a brother.
can't wait to hear about your son's experiences - I do remember how anxious my/our parents were (we had been married one week before leaving for Sierra Leone) and in fact Susan's father cried as he said goodbye to us at the plane. The two years went all too fast. In those days family was not allowed to visit and we were not allowed to travel much...The Peace Corps is much more liberal now...and better. Keep in touch about his next steps. Come by and visit if you are in Town - we live up on Brigham Hill in Norwich in "the old Johnson place." Sounds a bit quaint but despite our living here for 30+ years its still "the old Johnson place." Oh well.
I have been crying since August, when he got the official assignment!
Both boys chose to go to school in Colorado, so our good byes are always for 4-6 months at a time and I always cry. So I pretty much expect to be a mess next Tuesday! By Wednesday I will be fine.
I imagine in 2009 communication between volunteers and family is much more frequent and consistent than in 1969... yeah for the internet! Although it must have been nice for you two to be together. As well as nice for all parents to know that you each had someone to watch your back. Now, I think you have to be married one year before serving together. I don't know that for 100% sure, but I may have read that somewhere.
Thank you for the invite... perhaps our paths will cross next summer as I am sure Susan will be invited to our reunion. Just where you want to hang out on a July Saturday I am sure, haha.
Is there also a Bragg Hill in Norwich? For location I might be confusing Brigham Hill with Bragg Hill. When we first lived in Norwich, we lived on Turnpike Road across from the old Mink farm. Way before they made playing fields. Is Brigham Hill near the Norwich pool? I am thinking there was a short road over a creek that connected Turnpike to maybe Brigham Hill?
Norwich pool, took many chilly swimming lessons there! Is it still open?
PS- no brothers; 2 younger sisters. Class of '83 and '87.
Susan had a boy whose last name was also Rose confused with your family - we briefly left Hanover, and she left HHS in 1979 - returning in 1981. In 1983 to about 1986 she was on the school board then became Richmond Middle School principal - she retired in 2007. Yes - Bragg Hill is the hill that most folks know - runs off of what is now called Beaver Meadow Rd a little bit after passing the Catholic Church. Brigham Hill Road is the road just after the Norwich Pool. The pool still exists - is as cold as it ever was - and all our kids also spent a lot of time there. There is a nice trail that is maintained that runs nearby (The Ballard Trail) named after Bill Ballard who was a botany professor at Dartmouth and the local authority on orchids. His years of school board work (he was one of the people to put together the Dresden District (Hanover-Norwich) back in the early 1960's).
I am sure your son will be safe - and his experience in the Peace Corps will have a meaningful imact on the rest of his life.
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