Wednesday, September 14, 2011

FB post from RPCV Margaret Davis

Here is a post sent to me today by Margaret Davis. Margaret and her then husband Mark (now ex) were Peace Corps volunteers in Kenema (1967-1969). They both taught secondary education at Holy Trinity Secondary School in Kenema. Here is what she had to report about Kenema today:

Margaret Davis I just saw an e-mail from Peter Anderson of the FoSl group. He is in Sierra Leone. This is what he said: "I just returned from Kenema. 30 years ago I used to go to monthly meetings there. Now it has grown so much I wouldn’t be able to find my way around![FOSL ="friends of Sierra Leone"]

Peter Anderson was an early Peace Corps volunteer who headed up a blog site about Sierra Leone called Sierra Leone Web

Margaret Davis is on the left - picture probably taken by Mark Davis

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